3 Helpful Tips to Keep SEO Campaigns Current

Having the best SEO strategy and campaign is a must for businesses who are looking to harness the power of search engines and take advantage of the immense and ever expanding digital marketplace. While every business is unique, and will have different needs and goals, they will all want to use the best SEO strategies for them in order to gain higher rankings. However, with sites like Google constantly making updates, including Panda and Penguin, the best SEO strategies from a year or two ago might not be the same. Because of that, search marketers will want to be sure to use current options to make their campaign relevant.

1. Produce Creative, High Quality Content

Google updates mean that businesses who use outdated writing strategies will not earn high rankings. Quality and relevancy of articles and blogs are becoming more and more important to search engines, so businesses who take the time to put out unique content will be rewarded. Writers and developers should no longer think about writing for a computer, but writing for a consumer. After all, they are the ones who make purchases and become customers. With that in mind, in addition to producing clean writing, rich media like images and videos can also help rankings improve.

2. Utilize Social Media

The distinction between SEO content and social media content is fading fast, and algorithms are putting more effort into rewarding sites that receive likes and shares. As a result, it is important for businesses to not only focus on great website content, but also a strong social media presence. Gaining more fans and followers can be helpful in and of itself, but doing so will also help rankings, so using social media is a must.

3. Cater to the Mobile Crowd

Predictions suggest that, by 2014, mobile web users will account for more than half of all internet traffic, so not having a mobile presence could have significant consequences. While some businesses will update a website so that it can be viewed on any device, others will develop an application designed specifically for smartphones and tablets. Either way can be beneficial, especially when it comes to turning hits into sales.

These three are just a few of the best SEO strategies that companies can use to expand, and there might not be a particular combination of them that will work for all. But combining these three will almost certainly help businesses attract new customers and expand.

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